Thursday, March 28, 2013

Setting a Pace

So yesterday I met with my trainer Tracy (yes, personal trainers have trainers of their own) and we established a long distance pace to train at. This is a totally new approach for me as in the past I would just run as fast as I could for as long as I could and just work on getting the miles under my legs.

The way we are tackling this challenge is through a smart approach (one I'm not familiar with). Yes I've done half marathons before and even a full, but they were never fun or enjoyable for me. It's time to change that. This weekend I'll be going for a nice, paced, long run in South Orange and work to maintain my pace time. It's significantly slower than what I have been running, but what I have been doing in the past hasn't been working well for me.

There are 163 days left before race day with no time to waste. For all of those celebrating Easter this weekend, enjoy!

Now Playing - La Dispute - St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church Blues

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Next 48 Hours

... Are going to be rough. Tonight my roommate and I are going to see A Day To Remember in NYC as part of the Right Back At It Again tour. Tomorrow I'm working from 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM with two half hour breaks in there and then scattered clients until 9 PM. Thursday is just as rough, but at least I get out early to spend some QT time.

Now Playing - Parkway Drive - Anasasis (Xenophontis)

Today's Workout: 20 min bike (4.85 miles) followed by a 1 mi run (7:53).

Monday, March 25, 2013

What did I get myself into this time?

In 166 days I will be getting ready to cross off another item on my bucket list - my first triathlon. On September 8th, I will travel down to Washington D.C. to compete in The Nation's Triathlon at the Olympic distance. This physical challenge is unlike any I've done before. The race starts with a 0.9 mi swim, then goes to a 26 mi bike ride and then concludes with a little over 6 mi run.

So it seems like my days pumping iron will soon transition to pounding the pavement and strokin' some butterflies. This transition will take some time, but I'll e sure to document it all here.

Today's Workout - Abs and 20 min interval bike ride (4.77 mi)

Now Playing - Coheed & Cambria  - The Afterman


Song of the Week

The weekend went by too fast, but that's no surprise!

This week's Song of the Week: Silverstein - On Brave Mountains We Conquer 


Friday, March 22, 2013

End of Week Musings

The Anberlin show this past Wednesday was awesome! They had really good energy and stage presence and played some serious hits. 

This song, "Modern Age" was awesome! Give it a listen!
See more Instagram photography of mine here.
I had some good lifts yesterday and earlier today. I'm working on building up my muscle endurance so the heavy lifting is going away for a while... until the fall. Here's how they went...


DB press 60# - 15x, 15x, 12x
DB Fly 30# - 15x, 15x, 12x

Incline DB Press 45# - 15x, 15x,
Incline DB Fly 30# - 12x, 12x, 12x

Cable cross over 40# 15x, 15x, 18x
Stability Ball Pull Over 50# 15x, 15x, 15x


Lat Pull Down 100# 12x, 110# 12x, 120# 12x
Single Arm DB Row 50# 12x, 12x, 12x
Pull Ups 10x, 10x, 9x
Rhomboid Row 40# 15x, 40# 15x, 50# 12x

Stiff Arm Pull Down 90# 15x, 15x, 15x
Single Arm Cable Row 60# 12x, 12x, 12x

Reverse Lat Pull Down 90# 15x, 15x

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day of Spring

Spring has finally sprung, or at least it was supposed to, but it looks like Old Man Winter didn't get the memo. Some brisk temperatures are still lingering, but hopefully for not much longer.

Tonight I'm going to see Anberlin at Irving Plaza. It will be my first show in a while and the first of a few to come. Excited for A Day to Remember next week - hopefully I'll return without any battle wounds. Last time I was at Irving Plaza was for an Escape the Fate show in May 2012. A crowd surfer kicked the back of my ear and cut it open pretty badly getting blood all over one of my favorite shirts. I doubt history will repeat itself tonight since ETF and Anberlin are quite different.


Today's Workout -- LEGS

Box Squat - 135# 15x, 15x, 15x
Dead Lift 185# 15x, 12x, 12x
Walking Rope Lunges 25# DB 30 steps 3x; 30 reverse steps BW final set
Leg Curl 70# 15x, 80# 15x, 90# 15x
Leg Extension 70# 15x, 80# 15x, 90# 15x

Cardio 20 mins

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

So it's been a while...

... since my last post, but I'm back at it. I needed to take some time to get some personal issues taken care of and not that they are either put aside or in the process of being taken care of, I have more me time. So what have I been up to...


I stopped following the paleo lifestyle and just returned to my good old fashioned healthy eating lifestyle. Paleo has some interesting rules and can work for some, however I don't feel as I would recommend the lifestyle to any new clients. Following a paleo diet, can be intense for someone who has been very loose with their eating, therefore, I feel as though it would be easy to fail.

My car is in the shop because of some scumbag, so that's always fun.

Debating on running another marathon.... why? I'm not really sure.

The itch for a new tattoo is growing. I think 10 would be a nice round number.

The itch to travel is really growing. Colorado this summer? Australia maybe?

Anberlin at Irving Plaza tomorrow night. A Day to Remember next Tuesday at the Nokia Theater.

That's all for now!