Monday, November 14, 2011

Movie Trailer: Snow White and the Huntsman

When my client came in today and told me to check out the Snow White trailer, I became a little concerned about him. However, after watching this, I am psyched to see it - looks awesome. Check it out.

Song of the Week

This week's Song of the Week is fitting...

Rise Against - This Is Letting Go

Have a suggestion for a SOTW? Leave it in the comments section.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Song of the Week

Take a walk in the garden of life with this week's Song of the Week:

Iron Maiden - Blood Brothers

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Caption Contest

Well it's been a while and it's time to bring it back. I've seen some poor contests being held now and comments are just so damn boring and lame. I'm hoping my followers will bring the lure of the WLC Caption Contest here. Let's get it started. Picture and rules are below - enjoy!

1. Fifty Words or Less
2. Deadline is next Tuesday, 5PM EST
2. Extra points for insults, including current event reference, make me laugh out loud.

Competition Update

So I met with my coach again today (every Wednesday) and it's been six weeks of training and dieting. Here's a breakdown week by week of where I have been:
Week 1 - 15.9% Body Fat
Week 2 - 13.2% Body Fat
Week 3 - 11.9% Body Fat
Week 4 - 10.8% Body Fat
Week 5 - 9.9% Body Fat
Week 6 - 8.9% Body Fat

All in all, I've lost a total of 9 lbs of fat while building some muscle. We want to start building muscle more than lose anymore fat so we changed the diet again and added an extra fruit in the AM. We'll see if I adjust and hold my body fat where it is for a week to prepare stabilizing myself from now through January.

Next week I'll try and post some pictures of before and after.