Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mid Week Recap

So the paleo diet is still underway (3 days down, 53 days left) and I have made minor adjustments since the first day.

In my first post I discussed how I was low on energy by mid-day and knew I needed to increase my carb intake. Since Monday, I've better managed an appropriate protein-to-carb-to-fat ratio and no longer feel the energy depletion. When I was on a similar diet for my body building competition last year, I felt very low on energy to the point where driving home from work at any hour was dangerous because I might fall asleep at the wheel. I've added more fruits and veggies and will be soon adding more healthy fats into the daily meals.

The weight is still where I want it to be, but I feel tighter and clothes feel looser. I know I'm burning/losing fat and building muscle again (which is good). My next weigh in won't b for another week and a half so keeping the meals up, hitting my calorie goals and managing cardio will all be important in the next several days.

Today's workout: Arms
Now Playing: Memphis May Fire - Without Walls

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Song of the Week

I really can't get enough of this song...

Letlive - Muther

Have a suggestion for the Song of the Week? Leave it in the comments!

Day 1 Paleo Diet in the Books

So yesterday was my first day following the paleo lifestyle, and I quickly learned I need to make some adjustments. On average, I need to consume somewhere between 2,100 to 2,400 calories to make it comfortably through the day. With this new lifestyle, all processed carbs are eliminated and to be honest, they were a large part of my previous diet.

Around 4 pm yesterday I was over 1,000 calories away from my target and feeling very run down. To hopefully better plan for longer day today, I've included much more vegetables and more specifically sweet potatoes. I'm hoping the extra two servings will help keep the energy up for my 15 hour day at work.

Yesterday, another trainer and I took my measurements and found my starting point.
Body Fat = 9.9%
Weight = 157 lbs

I really don't want to lose too much weight, so managing the right portion sizes throughout the next eight weeks will be very important. I'm limiting cardio to only 3 days a week and no more than 30 mins per shot. I want to go no where close to as lean as I did for my body building show (<4% BF), so keeping the cardio light and the diet right is very important.

Yesterday's Meals:
2 Eggs
1 Cup Strawberries
1 Small Coffee Black

Mid Morning Snack
2 Eggs

Grilled Chicken
Sweet Potato

Post Workout

 Late Afternoon Snack

Mixed Veggies

Late Night Snack

10 Min Low Intensity Cardio
1 8:24 Mile Run

Song of the Day: Story of the Year - The Black Swan