Friday, February 15, 2013

Paleo PB&J

Quick recipe for those looking for a nice healthy snack.

Paleo PB&J

2 tbsp Almond Butter
1 cup Blueberries


Valentine's Day Crepes

Sorry it's been a few days since I posted last. This week filled up and got away from me a bit, but now with some free time I can catch up on some posts.

Last night I made some V-Day crepes that were amazing and... paleo! The recipe is very simple and only yields on crepe at a time so it's easy to manage the portion sizes. I made two different style crepes. The first was a plain crepe with a mixed berry reduction (at least that's what I'm calling it). The other option was a cocoa crepe with almond butter.

Crepe Recipe:
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
1/3 tbsp Coconut Flower
1 Egg White
Sprinkle of Cane Sugar

Mix all the ingredients together in a small bowl and fry in a pan with a little of olive oil. The amazing, and delicious results are below!

Now Playing - Brand New - Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Morning Musing

Hope everyone had a nice and safe weekend. I personally enjoyed the snow storm and didn't mind getting snowed in for a day. It was nice hype for skiing this weekend!

Last night I ventured out into the city to see my roommate's band, Jonesy, play at Highline Ballroom. It was a good show, with some good music. Thankfully, coffee exists and I'm able to survive this morning.

So the diet is still going well and I've managed to level out the weight a bit more. I'll do measurements again this week and see how they compare from two weeks ago. This weekend I was a little bit more relaxed with the eating which is where I need to be. Like I said earlier, I don't want to lean out too much just yet.

The one thing I miss most - bread. However, not having those processed carbs has caused a good change in my body composition. Stay tuned for measurements on Wednesday. As for today?Shoulders!

Now Playing - Armor for Sleep - Basement Ghost Singing

Quick Pic: Nemo Fades, Sun Rising

This was a quick shot I took this past weekend on my iPhone and uploaded to Instagram. You can check out more of my Instagram work here.

Song of the Week

Loved the fact that we finally got snow! Skiing this weekend!

This week's Song of the Week:

Silverstein - On Brave Mountains We Conquer
Have a suggestion for the Song of the Week? Leave it in the comments!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

OK, so I cheated

Yep, I cheated on my paleo diet and caved in and had a protein shake. One of my favorite post workout meals in fact is a protein shake especially after a hard and heavy lift. I know this may sound like an advertisement for our juice bar, but having a protein shake after a workout reduces muscle soreness and fatigue, reduces muscle breakdown and increases overall muscle protein synthesis. Consuming the protein in liquid-form provides for quicker absorption of the protein in your body.

 Enough about my cheating... Paleo is going well... almost too well. I'm losing more weight than I expected and wanted to, so I'm going to try and tweak it a little more. I know that may sound ridiculous to some, but right now I want to maintain my current weight. As we get closer to summer, I see following the paleo lifestyle as an excellent way of cutting down for time in the sun.The reason paleo is working well is because it eliminates all processed foods... even the carbs. So breads, whole grains, rice, beans - all gone. All of my carbs have been coming from fruits and veggie so my diet has tighten up a bit.

I'll be doing measurements early next week and post if there are any significant changes in my body composition.

That's it for now... Tomorrow, clients, back, abs, snow. Stay strong.

Now Playing: Paramore - Hero (Electronic Cover)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Friends don't let friends...

Yep...leg day today!

Song of the Workout: Asking Alexandria - The Final Episode To fully appreciate this song you should turn your speakers all the way up. :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Song of the Week

After a great weekend, it's back to the grind.

This Week's Song of the Week:
Story of the Year - Take Me Back

Have a suggestion for the Song of the Week? Leave it in the comments!

One Week Down; Seven to Go

What's up everyone? Hope all had a good weekend - I sure did! Tough loss for the 49ers, but at least the game got interesting.

So I've been eating paleo for one week now and I'm starting to see slight changes in my body. The energy is noticeably lower when I don't eat enough vegetables, especially the dark green kind. By eating a lot of protein and low carbs, my body is not getting the iron it needs. If this continues, I could develop anemia.... again. So to counter this I'm trying to eat red meat at least twice a week as well as healthy servings of dark green, leafy veggies as often as possible.

I jumped on the scale yesterday and it showed a two pound loss from when I stepped on last week. I won't know where that two pounds came from until I do my body fat measurement next week. I feel tighter all around and especially in the midsection. Let's see if I can jump back into those 29" jeans comfortably when this is all done!

Today's Workout: Shoulders
Now Playing: Attack Attack! - Stick Stickly